      Blues harmonica set -SESSION STEEL 12 Seydel with softcase
      Blues harmonica set -SESSION STEEL 12 Seydel with softcase
      Blues harmonica set -SESSION STEEL 12 Seydel with softcase

      Blues harmonica set -SESSION STEEL 12 Seydel with softcase

      local_shipping Schnelle Lieferung
      Sparen Sie $130,00
      rating Lies das 3 Bewertungen
      Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 10/10 Anzahl der Bewertungen: 3
      Du sparst: $130,00 (18%)

      Harmonicas are not returnable

      Sorry, harmonicas cannot be returned. Do not hesitate in calling us, if you need help choosing.

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      local_shipping Schnellste Lieferung 04.03.2025

      Blues harmonica set -SESSION STEEL 12 Seydel with softcase

      Seydel - Set of 12 SESSION STEEL harmonicas

      With softcase


      Choose keys among :

      LC, LDb, LD, LEb, LE, LF, LF#, G, Ab, A, Bb, B, C, Db, D, Eb, E and F

      Introductory price.




      Spezifische Referenzen

      Blues harmonica set -SESSION STEEL 12 Seydel with softcase1
      Happy Session Steel Customer
      rating 10
      Love my new Seydel Session Steel Blues set of 12.. Ordered 2 more to fill the nice zipper case.. Got them quick and painless.. Except for my wallet,, got to pay to play right? Thank you Harmonicaland..
      One more pro harp player
      rating 10
      Seydel has invented the magic formula for harmonicas. I have played all the major harp brands and models. Every note, interval, bend and trill sound the same. Unbelievable! My band members and audience were Ooing and
      Ahhing through my solo passages.

      HarmonicaLand: Don\'t ever stop selling Seydels.

      DC Hagerty
      Quick shipping Seydel
      rating 10
      Great price and quick shipping.

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      Blues harmonica set -SESSION STEEL 12 Seydel with softcase
      Sparen Sie $130,00
      rating Lies das 3 Bewertungen
      Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 10/10 Anzahl der Bewertungen: 3