Seydel Harmonica price increase

Seydel Harmonica price increase

Seydel general price increase
SEYDEL HARMONICAS are Hand made in Germany and use stainless steel reeds for almost all of their Diatonic, Chromatic, and Tremolo models. They are played by some of the best harmonica players in the World and have proven to be some of the very best harmonicas you can get!
Seydel hasn't increased their prices in more than 20 years and they are now facing wage and material increases that lead them to increase their prices starting March 1st of 2022.

Here is their official statement:
The continuing tense situation on the global raw material markets and the associated, in some cases drastic, increases in purchase prices for raw materials and base materials are causing problems for all companies, including us.
Irrespective of the higher prices, supply bottlenecks are also having an increasingly negative impact, necessitating higher inventory levels and further exacerbating the cost situation.

Following the conclusion of negotiations with our energy suppliers, we will have to accept a significant increase in these areas for 2022. Current purchase prices for gas and electricity are in some cases more than 100% higher than the prior-year level.

As a manufacturing company that handcrafts all of its harmonicas here in Germany, SEYDEL traditionally employs a very high level of personnel. The procurement and retention of labor has also become a daily challenge for us. In order to retain good personnel in the long term and to attract new qualified employees, we have had to make appropriate wage and salary adjustments at increasingly shorter intervals. This does not even take into account the significant increase in the statutory minimum wage in Germany announced by politicians after the 2021 election.

After many years without price adjustments, we now have to inform you that we too will have to raise at least some of our prices accordingly
Harmonicaland will maintain old Seydel prices and special discounts until March the 15th
Our current Seydel prices include in many cases extra discounts that we will also maintain until this date
The entire iconic 1847 series will see its price increase on March 1st, 2022.
The 1847 classic, 1847 Silver, 1847 Noble, and 1847 Lightning prices will go up.


The Non-Slider chromatic a model recently released is another Seydel harmonica that will also see a steep price increase:

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