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Chromonica 280 Hohner a Chromatic 16 holes harmonica for professionals and semi professionals
Chromonica 280 Hohner
Often also called Chromonica 64 (64 notes) the Hohner Chromonica 280 is a classic 16 hole chromatic harmonica model made by Hohner in Germany.
One of the most popular 16 hole chromatic harmonica on the market
Used by many blues players but it can really play anything you'll throw at it from classical music to Jazz.
This is the classic 4 octave range chromatic harmonica that gives you one extra octave in the lower range comapred to a 12 hole so that you can grab violin and saxophone parts.
Harmonica comb material: Abs black
Reed material : Brass 1.05mm
Covers: stainless steel
Harmonica recommended for level: all
Style of music: Jazz, Blues, Classical
Famous harmonica players using it: Carey Bell
Product keys don?t work. I bought an Angel 16 instead and it worked right out of the box!